Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Parenting Tips...

Due to the fact that I had never held a child prior to Makenna (yes, that is true), I thought it would be good to brush up on my parenting skills. So, here we go...

Now, I'm not saying that I've ever used an airhorn to wake Makenna up, but the idea isn't that bad. Next time she doesn't want to wake up and eat, maybe a little air-horn-to-the-ear will do the trick. Next...

We have yet to leave Makenna at home with a sitter, so I'm not sure how I will feel about it when it does happen. My problem with this rule is, what's wrong with a hobo? It's not like the guy is going to steal my child. Think about it. He's in my house, which is heated to 70 degrees and has a fridge and pantry full of food. He's not going anywhere. Also, baby's love to play with beards, so it's a win-win. Next...

Ah yes. Pets. Makenna has done great with both Franklin (our Yorkie) and Arlo (our black cat from the streets; no racial sterotypes implied). If we were to have fish, I would have to agree with this picture, because the baby is not wearing any scuba gear, which is required for a prolonged play-date under water. And we all know they don't make scuba gear for infants. Next...

Makenna isn't quite old enough to play games (or even acknowledge that I exist), but once she can sit up, we will probably be playing chess. Checkers is obviously for old men who hang out in New York public parks. But chess is a game of brains and strategy, the perfect fit for her developing mind. Forget Baby Einstein, how about Baby Bobby Fisher? Actually, on second thought, I guess he didn't turn out so well, maybe I should rethink that one....


Anonymous said...

peter, please dont leave the baby home with a hobo. i know the hobo would be happy but probably a little too happy

Liz said...

Lol, I love the scowl on the baby's face in that last one.

Unknown said...

you forgot to add in the infamous "never shake a baby" billboard from broadway

that's the best advice i've ever heard for new parents