Friday, January 16, 2009

Another bath, The Office, and more Sportscenter...

Under normal circumstances, Makenna would not recieve two baths within a few days. But, when a child moves her bowels with the force of a category 5 hurricane, another bath is justified due to collateral damage. So, once again, mom had to put Makenna back in her "Howard the Duck suit" (luckily, i was at work for this one.)

On a lighter note, Makenna watched her first episode of the office with mom and dad and her uncles (+ gretchen). She is already a fan! Actually, she cried through the whole episode and made everyone rethink all the gifts they gave her (just kidding). Other than a few bouts with crying, she has been wonderful!


Anonymous said...

OK, apparently you aren't sleeping enough

Anonymous said...

im going to have to agree with U. Todd! but that is funny.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh... we can't wait to meet little Makenna!!! She is so beautiful... keep up with the pictures on the blog! We love looking at them! See you guys soon...
The Farmers

Anonymous said...

i made the blog! Yes! that was my goal you know - had nothing to do with Makenna, it was all about getting on the blog...JK - it's all about Makenna who am I kidding!